A mailman moderated email list has been created for announcement of Axiomatic Design conferences and issues: axiomatic-design AT mit DOT edu.
You can sign up here on the MIT list server: https://mailman.mit.edu:444/mailman/listinfo/axiomatic-design
International Conference on Axiomatic Design
A mailman moderated email list has been created for announcement of Axiomatic Design conferences and issues: axiomatic-design AT mit DOT edu.
You can sign up here on the MIT list server: https://mailman.mit.edu:444/mailman/listinfo/axiomatic-design
We are considering proceedings distribution options for reducing waste and minimizing cost. Please fill out this Doodle survey to help us choose the best method
The start dates for ICAD have been shifted by one day.
The conference tutorials now start on Tuesday October 9, not October 8 as previously announced.